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The Challenge of Steel:

While Critical to our Modern Way of Living,
the Iron and Steel Industry
Causes Huge CO2 Emissions 

While Critical to
our Modern Way of Living,
the Iron and Steel Industry
Causes Huge CO2 Emissions 

While Critical to our Modern Way of Living,
the Iron and Steel Industry
Causes Huge CO2 Emissions 

Steel plays a very important role in our everyday lives. From infrastructure to buildings, automobiles, home appliances, and even kitchen cutlery. Without steel, our modern way of living would not be possible.

Unfortunately, the carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions related to steel are just as big of an issue as its role and are one of the leading sources of global warming. Over 10% of all global CO2 emissions or more than 2,500,000,000 tons of CO2 per year are coming from iron and steel making. This is three times as much as the CO2 emissions from all flights and aviation combined.

Balancing Nature and Development:

Balancing Nature and Development:

How Green Technologies in the Steel Industry
Can Save Our Planet

How Green Technologies
in the Steel Industry
Can Save Our Planet

How Green Technologies in the Steel Industry
Can Save Our Planet

For the past 100 years, we have put nature aside in order to develop our world. Scientists agree that we have to urgently achieve a balance between nature and development, in order to save human life on the plant.

The iron and steel industry has to make its contribution. With new iron making technologies that run on green hydrogen, and renewable energy for steel making, a cleaner iron and steel industry is possible.

For the past 100 years, we have put nature aside in order to develop our world. Scientists agree that we have to urgently achieve a balance between nature and development, in order to save human life on the plant.

The iron and steel industry has to make its contribution. With new iron-making technologies that run on green hydrogen, and renewable energy for steel making, a cleaner iron and steel industry is possible.

For the past 100 years, we have put nature aside in order to develop our world. Scientists agree that we have to urgently achieve a balance between nature and development, in order to save human life on the plant.

The iron and steel industry has to make its contribution. With new iron-making technologies that run on green hydrogen and renewable energy for steel making, a cleaner iron and steel industry is possible.

Green Hydrogen


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